Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Splash of Flowers

The hardest part of creating these fabric designs was coming up with a name for the collection. Writing makes my head spin. Trying to find words are nearly impossible some days.
Here are some ideas I came up with before I settled on
Splash of Flowers Collection.
Fun Florals Collection, Colorful Florals Collection, Fun Flowers Collection, Fun in the Sun Flowers Collection, Fun and more Fun Flowers Collection, Multi-Colored Flowers Collection, Flower of Flowers Collection, Millions of Flowers Collection, Trillions of Flowers Collection, Cute but Smelly Flowers Collection, No One Really Cares Flowers Collection, Are You Looking at Me Flowers Collection, Stop Looking at Me Flowers Collection, No Name Flowers Collection, Dried Up Flowers Collection, How Long are you Going to Take Naming This Collection Flowers Collection, You Can Draw but You Sure Can't Write Flowers Collection.

I envy writers who find words.

Flowers anyone?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Christmas is coming!

How can you resist smiling Christmas ornaments. These two designs would make cute tree skirts for your Christmas tree.
Check out more of my fabric designs at

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Number one of many more to be sewn!

My bib material finally arrived and here is one design of the bibs sewn. I decided to use terry cloth for the back of the bids to make it soft and absorbent for all the drooling and spills that will soak through.

Back to sewing!